28 Days/Weeks Later:Zombie Movie? - Printable Version

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RE: 28 Days/Weeks Later:Zombie Movie? - gropius - 01-29-2016 10:08 PM

100% Zombie movie.

All zombies have some sort virus outbreak and eat human flesh. If 28 Days / Weeks isn't a zombie movie than I don't know what is.

Also why is there no 28 months and 28 years later sequels yet?

RE: 28 Days/Weeks Later:Zombie Movie? - samuraitrev - 01-30-2016 12:07 PM

I think 28 Weeks was a good film but not a patch on 28 Days. I say leave it at that.

RE: 28 Days/Weeks Later:Zombie Movie? - Reurnal - 02-04-2016 01:11 AM

For me, they are (awesome) Zombie movies. And I am willing to see 28 months. By the way, the director of the first, and whom may also direct the third, is ok on their films counting as Zombie movies (Not saying that he's got the last word on this...):