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Walking Dead
09-26-2011, 04:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2011 04:12 PM by Pred.)
Post: #11
RE: Walking Dead
you think that having one player is hard, BUT! He never looses his gun!
and there is no auto spawn, and you haft to distribute them evenly. Plus
he starts with the axe, gets an extra wound to boost his health, and!
gets to give up turns to heal himself!
Try pushing that to the player next time and see if it'll change his mind.

Some people might think that that's too powerful, but its really not.
Maybe in the beginning of the game but once extra Heroes come into
play, a smart Zombie player will avoid the extra Heroes and use the extra
aggression toward Rick, then you also get FREE Zombie Heroes that keep
him on the run. I'm telling you (TO ANYONE WHO READS THIS) that you
WILL have fun playing this scenario.

On a side note.
I have been trying to figure out a scenario to play after this one, that
would involve the whole city part of the story. Needless to say, I'm
stuck. If you guys have any ideas you'd like to throw my way, I'll see
if I can incorporate them into a scenario somehow. I have a board idea
down just not a scenario, but if you guys come up with ANYTHING,
shoot it my way.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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12-16-2011, 04:08 PM
Post: #12
RE: Walking Dead
I am going to try this scenario, My wife and I are BIG TWD fans and got sucked into this game because of the show....
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12-17-2011, 01:03 AM
Post: #13
RE: Walking Dead
cool, I haven't played this in a while, but tell me what you think of it.
It doesnt take to long to play and can be kinda hard if you get alot of
zombie heroes after ya. It may need some tweaking so any feedback
would be great.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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12-17-2011, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2011 09:42 AM by Achtung Panzer.)
Post: #14
RE: Walking Dead
(12-16-2011 04:08 PM)Atraangelis Wrote:  I am going to try this scenario, My wife and I are BIG TWD fans and got sucked into this game because of the show....

Yep, same with me. After watching TWD I tried Zombies!!! as my first zombie game but then discovered LNOE and immediately put the Zombies!!! stuff on ebay to fund LNOE expansions.
(09-26-2011 04:06 PM)Pred Wrote:  On a side note.
I have been trying to figure out a scenario to play after this one, that
would involve the whole city part of the story. Needless to say, I'm
stuck. If you guys have any ideas you'd like to throw my way, I'll see
if I can incorporate them into a scenario somehow. I have a board idea
down just not a scenario, but if you guys come up with ANYTHING,
shoot it my way.

Well there's the "rescue" of the guy in handcuffs which could be a good scenario. You know where to find him but you need to find the dropped keys?

Then there's the sewers to get out of the building. In the WD show they are blocked (and infested!) but you could use the Fire Axe to break through and of course you're not sure where the sewer exits. Oh, and then the van (Truck) is not where you left it!!

The next forest expansion may be ideal for an attack on the camp...

Hope this helps.
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12-22-2011, 03:11 PM
Post: #15
RE: Walking Dead
I have played this scenario and I think it is very difficult for the Hero player. My thoughts:

With only one Hero character at the start it's easy for them to be swamped by zombie 'Remain in Play' event cards early on, especially the "next wound kills / turns into a Zombie Hero" or "discard when starting turn with another Hero" ones.

The buildings with search markers are too far away from the hero start position. I would suggest moving a marker from the Plant, Barn or Farmhouse to the Police Station, Church or Diner.

Do the search markers apply to their specific square or to the whole building?

How do you play Random Buildings cards? We ignored them.

With some changes this could be an excellent variant scenario.
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12-23-2011, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2011 10:15 PM by Atraangelis.)
Post: #16
RE: Walking Dead
I just played thsi scenario, But writing this while its fresh in my head.

Mission is hard, we even removed the zombie heroes from it. Played twice, heroes died half way both times. We tried it stock the first time, got owned.

On second scenario run we were using exploration markers and SF cards, anderson got nixed by a supprise attack x2. Oof...Players split up trying to maximise exploration tokens....whoomp got munched on..

End result... Heroes goatta get their shit together and work as a team on this one.. Solo i think there may be a balance issue, cant put my finger on it.

Teams were 2 heroes, sherrif and nurse, 1 zed master(me).
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12-24-2011, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2011 05:32 AM by Pred.)
Post: #17
RE: Walking Dead
ok, sorry I haven't been more involved lately, been working 7 days
a week, 10 hours a day... bummer... not even time to paint...
Panzer, your issues you had I believed I had solved but never posted.
but i am really tired right now and will explain sometime over my three
christmas days off. Atraangelis, this is strictly a 2 person game 1 zed
master and 1 heroes controller. Every time you enter a building you get
a free search. (not to be abused by moving in and out of buildings on
movement turn) so no exploration markers needed. I thought about
a gas can near one of the starting buildings you could pick up early
in the game encase you get swamp with zombies chasing you.

I agree this is a pretty hard scenario, but, I have played this many
times with my wife, and I've won about 3 out of the 10 times we have
played it. The key is to use any extra heroes as a distraction to use
zombie hunger forcing the zombie player away from Rick. Lucky
movement rolls plays a large part as well. Also sacrificing the extra
heroes to keep the zombie movement and fight dice low.

If you are an experienced hero player, you should at least find some
pleasure in the strategy to win and the challenge it provides. I do think
the scale is still tipped toward the zombies. I have thought about adding
a character that never moves, and cant die, hunkered in a building on the
board with the hunting rifle, and once per turn the hero player may make
a ranged attack (with the hunker downed guy) to any zombie in range. (this
hunker down person would be the black guy whom rick left with the rifle
from the show, before he left to Atlanta.)

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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01-02-2012, 02:46 PM
Post: #18
RE: Walking Dead
I was REALLY looking forward to trying this one out, although I had never watched the series. I just thought it was a great idea to start as one character and have to find the rest of them.

Finally tried it out yesterday with another LNOE fan, twice. I was Rick both times. The first time, the zombies immediately played lights out on the hospital, so I spent four turns just trying to make it out of the hospital while the building became surrounded by zombies. I finally made it to the hanger...but by that time, the zombie player had me Feeling Strange AND Bitten. Needless to say, I died pretty quickly.

The second time I got luckier with my starting cards, and with no lights out being played, I made it past the church (enroute to the farmhouse) before I died. I should mention that I made it that far mostly by using the chainsaw. Without it, I wouldn't have made it even to the hanger.

For what it's worth, I did forget that Rick could heal himself...but the zombie player forgot that he could use grave weapons until the end of the second game (he only managed to spawn two grave zombies...I shot one and never encountered the other).

Like I said, I was really excited to be able to start as one character and find the rest...but I never got the opportunity because I couldn't make it that far, being the target of not just all the zombies but also all the zombie cards.

A few things to consider: The zombie player was shocked that he could use 14 zombies against one player. Before we even started the first game, he thought it should be a pool of 7 zombies, especially since they become more powerful as you find more heroes.

I enjoyed the map setup, but I also might try it out on a standard map just to see if that makes the game a little more balanced.

Anyway, great idea, and looking forward to playing a more balanced version soon!
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01-02-2012, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2012 05:35 PM by Pred.)
Post: #19
RE: Walking Dead
Lights out only affects players moving into that buildings movement.
If you are already in the building you don't have to only move 1 per
turn. (Unless I am mistaken, because we use to play it like that but
figured lights out stops movement into a buildings allowing the character
to adjust his eyes to a dark room, and continue movement as normal
on the next turn) But besides the point Rick and Rick only is unaffected
by taken over buildings, lights out, bitten, and other over powered cards.
I have thought some rules out to balance the system out a bit more,
its just this is this first feedback on this (in the past few weeks) since
I came up with the scenario back in September.Just looking for the
time to actually sit and think about them and the time to re-write
the rules. Always looking for good ideas if anyone has any that would
balance this game out without changing the core of this scenario.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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01-02-2012, 08:58 PM
Post: #20
RE: Walking Dead
(01-02-2012 05:34 PM)Pred Wrote:  Lights out only affects players moving into that buildings movement.
If you are already in the building you don't have to only move 1 per
turn. (Unless I am mistaken, because we use to play it like that but
figured lights out stops movement into a buildings allowing the character
to adjust his eyes to a dark room, and continue movement as normal
on the next turn) But besides the point Rick and Rick only is unaffected
by taken over buildings, lights out, bitten, and other over powered cards.
I have thought some rules out to balance the system out a bit more,
its just this is this first feedback on this (in the past few weeks) since
I came up with the scenario back in September.Just looking for the
time to actually sit and think about them and the time to re-write
the rules. Always looking for good ideas if anyone has any that would
balance this game out without changing the core of this scenario.

Thanks for the response! I looked it up, and lights out does affect people already in the building. I didn't realize Rick was unaffected by those cards because it isn't in the rules in the first post. Good to know!

Anyhow, like I said, love this idea and with a little more balancing, it can be a lot of fun!
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